Who is Domain Lookup Tool:
A simple example of developing a WHOIS domain lookup tool entails permitting users to enter a domain name and look for WHOIS information corresponding with the entered domain name. HTML is going to be used for structure, CSS to bring more beautiful and responsive design and features will be added through JavaScript for API request.
WHOIS Domain Lookup Tool
Enter a domain name to get its WHOIS information
WHOIS Lookup
Features of WHOIS Domain Lookup Tool:
- Domain Input: The input for users can be domain names.
- WHOIS Information Retrieval: Uses the Public API to access the WHOIS record of the domain name that has been entered.
- Responsive Design: Yes, it is Bootstrap integrated website and provides mobile friendly or responsive web site design.
- Colorful Styling: Utility of custom CSS is to make the layout look better.
- Real-time Display: Displays WHOIS data obtained from the entered domain name after form submission to the webpage.
How it Works:
- User enters the domain name of the site they want to avoid and submits the form.
- This is done using JavaScript which effectively picks the input from the form and makes the request to the public WHOIS API.
- The WHOIS information is used and queried in the results section of the page.
- The results section begins below the form, and it appears only if the form has been submitted and if it is ready to show results.
This tool effectively offers a working utilized for searching WHOIS data for a particular domain name by having an understandable and graphic interface.
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