Robots.txt Generator Tool

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Robots.txt Generator Tool:

Sure, here is a simple implementation of the Robots.txt Generator tool using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool allows users to generate a robots.txt file by specifying rules for search engine crawlers.

Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt Generator

Features of the Robots.txt Generator Tool:

  • The page displays a card layout titled "Robots.txt Generator".
  • It contains a form where users can input User-Agent, Allow, and Disallow directives to create robots.txt content.
  • Upon submitting the form, the tool generates robots.txt content based on the given directives.
  • It displays the generated robots.txt content in a formatted code block.
  • Users can optionally include a Disallow directive if required.

How it works:

  • When the user submits the form, JavaScript code intercepts the form submission event.
  • It retrieves the values ​​of the User-Agent, Allow, and Disallow directives entered by the user.
  • It then constructs the robots.txt content using the given directives.
  • Finally, it displays the generated robots.txt content in a formatted code block within the results section of the webpage.

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