Language Translator Tool:
Development of a language translator would entail allowing the user to input the text to be translated, select a preferred language and presenting the translated text. For translation we will use Google free API translate service. The tool will also have a friendly and colorful graphical user interface (GUI) with the use of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) for building the tool’s structure, the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for designing the tool’s appearance, and the Java Script (JS) for manipulating the tool.
Language Translator
Translated Text:
Features of Language Translator Tool:
- Text Input Field: This can be done by a user entering the text that they require translating into the specified window.
- Language Selection Dropdown: It is possible to choose the language the text is to be translated into from the drop-down list.
- Translate Button: With this button clicked, the tool engages in translation.
- Display of Translated Text: The tool has the translation output on the web page where the text is written.
- Responsive Design: It enables the tool work on varying screen sizes making it accessible on various devices.
- Styling: The tool has been designed with a simple yet contemporary and effective design where color and space have been effectively employed.
- Error Handling: When an error occurs, for example during translation, the error is presented to the user.
How it Works:
- JavaScript On Click Code When a user enters text and chooses a target language and thereafter clicks “Translate” the JavaScript codes are initiated.
- This function reads the text from input field and language from dropped-down menu.
- This submits the text and the chosen output language to the LibreTranslate API via a POST request.
- After receiving it, translates the text and shows the translated text in the results section of the webpage.
- However if there is an error occurring in the process then an error message is to be displayed.
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