Keyword Suggestion Tool

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Keyword Suggestion Tool:

Here is a simple implementation of keyword tips tool using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We will use bootstrap for styling to ensure reactivity. This tool will allow users to input keywords and receive related keyword tips.
Keyword Suggestion Tool

Keyword Suggestion Tool

    Characteristics of Keyword Suggestion Tool:

    • Input Field: Users can type their keyword query.
    • Suggestion List: As soon as the user types, a list of suggested keywords will appear dynamically.
    • Responsive Design: The tool is designed to adapt to different screen size, which can be used on different devices.
    • Colorful Styling: The tool features colored styling to increase user experience.
    • Clickable Suggestions: Users can click on the suggested keyword to fill it in the input field.

    How Does This Work:

    • When the user types into the input field, an event detects input changes in the input event.
    • Javascript code filters the predetermined list of keywords based on the user's input.
    • Filmed suggestions are then displayed dynamically in a list below the input field.
    • Users can click on any suggestion, which will populate the input field with clicked keywords.

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