Domain Age Checker Tool:
Below is an implementation of a domain age check tool using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool will allow users to input a domain name and get its age. We will be using Bootstrap for styling to ensure responsiveness.
Domain Age Checker
Features of This Domain Age Checker Tool:
- Domain Input Field: Users can enter the domain whose age they want to check.
- Check Age Button: On clicking this button, the tool fetches the WHOIS information of the domain.
- Age Display: The tool displays the creation date of the domain on the webpage.
- Responsive Design: The tool is designed to work on different screen sizes, making it accessible on all devices.
- Styling: The tool is styled with a clean and modern look using colors and layouts to improve the user experience.
- Error Handling: If an error occurs while retrieving domain age information, an error message is displayed to the user.
How it Works:
- When a user enters a domain and clicks “Check Age”, JavaScript code is triggered.
- It gets the value of the domain input field and creates an API URL with the domain.
- It sends a fetch request to the HackerTarget WHOIS API to get the WHOIS information of the domain.
- On receiving the response, it extracts the creation date of the domain from the WHOIS information and displays it on the webpage.
- If any error occurs during the process, an error message is displayed instead.
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