YouTube Auto Liker Tool

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YouTube Auto Liker Tool:

Creating a "YouTube auto liker tool" would typically require direct integration with the YouTube API, and would also need to adhere to legal and ethical guidelines set by YouTube. Automatically liking videos without user interaction may violate YouTube's terms of service, which prohibit spam, deceptive practices, and manipulation.

However, I can guide you on how to create a simple and ethical tool interface where a user can input the YouTube video URL and then manually initiate the action after proper authentication with their Google account (like like). It is important to note that any automation of video liking without user consent or action would be against YouTube's policies.

Ethical YouTube Liker Tool Interface:

Below is a sample interface in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that integrates with the YouTube API to let the user like a video after proper OAuth authentication. It does not perform automated actions without user input.

YouTube Auto Liker Tool

YouTube Auto Liker Tool

Key Features:

  • Input field: Users can enter a YouTube video URL.
  • Authentication Button: Users must authenticate with their Google Account to interact with YouTube on their behalf.
  • YouTube API integration: After authentication, users can manually trigger 'Likes' on specified videos.

Setup and Integration:

  • API Key and Client ID: You'll need to get your API Key and OAuth 2.0 Client ID from the Google Developer Console and set them in the script.
  • Permissions: Make sure the application requests the proper scope that allows interacting with YouTube on behalf of the user.


The tool strictly follows YouTube's guidelines by requiring user authentication and action to like a video, thus ensuring compliance with YouTube's Terms of Service and promoting ethical use of the API.

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