What Is My Browser Tool

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What Is My Browser Tool:

Sure, I can provide you a simple example of a "What's My Browser" tool implemented in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool will display information about the user's browser such as browser name, version, user agent, and platform. We'll use JavaScript to gather this information and update the HTML accordingly. let's get started:
What Is My Browser

What Is My Browser

Features of the What is My Browser Tool:

  • Displays a simple card layout with the title "What is my browser?"
  • It contains a text area where browser information will be displayed.
  • It includes a button labeled "Get browser information" which, when clicked, retrieves browser information.
  • Browser information is obtained using the navigator.userAgent property.
  • The retrieved browser information is displayed in the text area.

How it Works:

  • When the page loads, it displays a card layout with a text area and a button.
  • When the user clicks the "Get browser information" button, the JavaScript code retrieves the browser information using navigator.userAgent.
  • The browser information is then displayed in the text area.
  • The textarea is read-only to prevent users from modifying the displayed information.

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