URL Opener Tool:
Below is the complete tool of the URL opener tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to input URLs and open them in new tabs. The style is colorful and responsive.
URL Opener Tool
Features of URL Opener Tool:
- Input Field: Users can enter a URL in the input field.
- Open URL Button: Clicking this button opens the entered URL in a new tab.
How it Works:
- When the user clicks the "Open URL" button, the openURL() function is called.
- The URL entered by the user is retrieved from the input field and trimmed to remove any leading or trailing spaces.
- The IsValidURL() function uses regular expression patterns to check whether the entered URL is valid. If the URL is valid, the window.open() method is used to open the URL in a new tab. If the URL is invalid, an alert is shown to the user.
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