Htaccess Redirect Generator Tool

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Htaccess Redirect Generator Tool:

Sure, I will provide you with a complete example of a .htaccess redirect generator tool implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool will allow users to create redirection rules for Apache's .htaccess file based on their input.

Htaccess Redirect Generator

Htaccess Redirect Generator

Features of the Htaccess Redirect Generator Tool:

  • This tool provides a user-friendly interface to create Htaccess redirect rules.
  • Users can input the old URL (Redirect From) and new URL (Redirect To) using text input fields.
  • On form submission, the tool creates a Htaccess redirect rule in the format “Redirect 301 old_url new_url”.
  • If the user forgets to input either the old or the new URL, an error message is displayed prompting them to fill in both fields.
  • The generated redirect rule is displayed in the results section below the form.

How it works:

  • When the user submits the form, the JavaScript code intercepts the form submission event.
  • It retrieves the values ​​of the old and new URLs entered by the user.
  • If both the old and new URLs are provided, it creates a redirect rule using the “Redirect 301” directive with the provided URLs.
  • If either the old or the new URL is missing, it displays an error message prompting the user to fill in both fields.
  • The generated redirect rule is then displayed below the form.

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