Hosting Checker Tool

Great Online Tools
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Hosting Checker Tool:

Sure, I can provide you a simple hosting checker tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool will allow users to input a domain name and check its hosting information such as IP address, hosting provider, and server status. I will also include color styling using CSS. For this, I will be using the free library Bootstrap to make styling easier and more responsive.

Hosting Checker Tool

Hosting Checker

Features of the Hosting Checker Tool:

  • The user can input a domain name in the form field.
  • Upon submitting the form, the tool retrieves the hosting information for the provided domain using the API.
  • It displays the IP address, hosting provider, and server status.
  • The result is shown in a nice formatted card layout.
  • Error handling is implemented to display any errors that occur during the process.

How it Works:

  • When the user submits the form, the JavaScript code intercepts the form submission event.
  • It extracts the domain name from the input field.
  • It then makes a request to the HackerTarget API (which provides hosting information) using the Fetch API.
  • Upon receiving the response, it parses the data and displays it in the results section of the webpage.
  • If an error occurs during the process (for example, a network error or an API error), it displays an error message instead.

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