Dummy Placeholder Generator Tool

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Dummy Placeholder Generator Tool:

Below is a full implementation of a Dummy Placeholder Generator Tool that generates random placeholder text. This tool uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Bootstrap for a responsive and visually appealing design.
Dummy Placeholder Generator Tool

Features of Dummy Placeholder Generator Tool:

  • Responsive Design: Uses Bootstrap for a responsive layout suitable for all devices.
  • Generate Text Button: Allows users to generate random placeholder text by clicking the "Generate placeholder text" button.
  • Random Text Generation: Generates a random sentence length between 5 and 15 words using a predefined list of words.
  • Result Display: Displays the generated placeholder text in an alert box below the button.

How it Works:

  • Users click the "Generate placeholder text" button.
  • On clicking, the generateText() function is invoked.
  • The function randomly selects words from a predefined list and creates a sentence of random length.
  • The generated placeholder text is then displayed in an alert box below the button.
This tool is useful for designers and developers who need placeholder text for mockups or prototypes.

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