XOR Calculator Tool:
Definitely! The XOR Calculator tool allows users to input two binary numbers and calculate their XOR (Exclusive OR) result.
XOR Calculator Tool
Features of XOR Calculator Tool:
- Input Fields: Two input fields are provided to enter two binary numbers.
- Calculate XOR button: Clicking this button starts the XOR calculation.
- Result display: The result of the XOR operation is displayed below the button.
How it Works:
- The user enters two binary numbers in the input field.
- On clicking the "Calculate XOR" button, the JavaScript function calculateXOR() is invoked.
- The function validates the input to ensure that only binary numbers (0s and 1s) are entered.
- If the inputs are valid, the function pads them with leading zeros to make them equal in length.
- After this it performs XOR operation on the corresponding bits of the two numbers.
- The result is displayed below the button.
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