Toss Coin Game Tool:
Below is the complete tool of the Toss Coin Game tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to simulate a coin toss and display the result (heads or tails). The style is colorful and responsive.
Toss Coin Game Tool
Features of Toss Coin Game Tool:
- Coin Toss Button: Users can click the "Coin Toss" button to simulate coin toss.
- Result Display: The result of the coin toss (heads or tails) is displayed below the button.
How it Works:
- When the user clicks the "Toss Coin" button, the tossCoin() function is called.
- Inside the tosCoin() function, a random number between 0 and 1 is generated using Math.random().
- If the random number is less than 0.5, the result is "heads"; Otherwise, it is the "tail".
- Then the result is displayed in the result section.
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