Sales Tax Calculator Tool:
Here is the complete tool of the Sales Tax Calculator tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to calculate the total cost of a product including sales tax. It has a colorful style and responsive design.
Sales Tax Calculator
Calculate sales tax on your purchases
Features of Sales Tax Calculator Tool:
- Amount Input: Allows the user to input the amount.
- Tax Rate Input: Allows the user to input the tax rate as a percentage.
- Calculate Tax Button: Starts the calculation process.
- Result Display: Displays the calculated tax amount and the total amount including tax.
How it Works:
- When the user clicks the "Calculate Tax" button, the calculateTax() function is called.
- The function retrieves the amount and tax rate input by the user.
- It calculates the tax amount using the formula: Tax Amount = (Amount * Tax Rate) / 100.
- It calculates the total amount including tax by adding the tax amount to the principal amount.
- The displayResult() function is then called to display the calculated tax amount and the total amount including tax.
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