OPML to JSON Converter Tool:
Sure! Below is a complete tool for OPML to JSON converter tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to input OPML(Outline Processor Markup Language) data and convert it into JSON format. The style is colorful and responsive.
OPML to JSON Converter
Features of OPML to JSON Converter Tool:
- Input Text Area: A textarea is provided for the user to paste the OPML content.
- Convert Button: Clicking this button starts the conversion of OPML content to JSON format.
- Output Text Area: The JSON output is displayed in this text area.
How it Works:
- The user pastes the OPML content into the input text field.
- On clicking the "Convert to JSON" button, the ConvertToJSON() function is called.
- The OPML content is parsed using DOMParser to extract the outline.
- The outlines are then recursively converted to JSON format using the opmlToJSON() and opmlToJSONChildren() functions.
- The resulting JSON output is displayed in the text area, or an error message is displayed if the conversion fails.
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