Equity Calculator Tool:
Below is the complete tool of the equity calculator tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to calculate equity based on their assets, liabilities, and net worth. The style is colorful and responsive.
Equity Calculator
Features of Equity Calculator Tool:
- Total Initial Investment Input: Allows the user to input the total initial investment input amount.
- Annual Growth Rate Input: Allows the user to input the annual growth rate.
- Input Number of Years: Allows the user to input the number of years.
- Calculate Equity button: Starts calculating equity.
- Result Display: Displays the calculated equity below the button.
How it Works:
- When the user clicks the "Calculate Equity" button, the calculateEquity() function is called.
- The function retrieves the values of Total Assets and Total Liabilities input by the user.
- Total liabilities are then subtracted from total assets to calculate equity.
- The calculated equity is displayed in the results section.
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