Doughnut Chart Maker Tool

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Doughnut Chart Maker Tool:

Sure! Below is the complete tool for the Donut Chart Maker tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to input data to create a donut chart and view it dynamically. The style is colorful and responsive. To create a donut chart, I will use the Chart.js library.

Doughnut Chart Maker Tool

Doughnut Chart Maker Tool

Features of Donut Chart Maker Tool:

  • Users can input data labels and values to create a donut chart.
  • Users can specify a title for the chart.
  • Clicking the "Generate Donut Chart" button generates the donut chart dynamically based on the input data.
  • The chart is displayed below the button using the Chart.js library.

How it Works:

  • Enter the data labels and values in the text area, separating each label and value with a comma and placing each pair on a new line.
  • Optionally, enter a title for the chart.
  • Click the "Generate Donut Chart" button.
  • The donut chart will be drawn dynamically and displayed below the button.

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