Compound Annual Growth Rate Calculator Tool

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Compound Annual Growth Rate Calculator Tool:

Here is a complete tool for the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) calculator tool using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool helps users to calculate compound annual growth rate based on initial and ending values and number of years.

CAGR Calculator

CAGR Calculator

Features of CAGR Calculator Tool:

  • Initial Value Input: Allows the user to input the initial value.
  • Last Price Input: Allows the user to input the last price.
  • Number of Years Input: Allows the user to input the number of years.
  • Calculate CAGR Button: Starts calculating the compound annual growth rate (CAGR).
  • Result Display: Displays the calculated CAGR percentage below the button.

How it Works:

  • When the user clicks the "Calculate CAGR" button, the calculateCAGR() function is called.
  • The function retrieves the initial value, ending value and years input by the user.
  • It then calculates the CAGR using the formula: 𝐶𝐴𝐺𝑅=(Final Value/Initial Value)1/Number of Years−1.
  • The calculated CAGR percentage is displayed in the results section.

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