Color Converter (HEX, RGB, HSL) Tool:
Here is a complete tool for the Color Converter tool that converts colors between HEX, RGB and HSL formats. It is implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with colorful styles and responsive design.
Color Converter
Converted Colors:
Features of Color Changer Tool:
- Color Input: Allows the user to input color in HEX, RGB, or HSL format.
- Convert Color Button: Starts the conversion process.
- Result Display: Displays the converted color in HEX, RGB and HSL formats.
How it Works:
- When the user clicks the "Convert Color" button, the convertColor() function is called.
- The function checks the input color format using regular expressions.
- Based on the detected format, it converts the color to RGB and HSL format using conversion functions.
- The changed color values are then displayed in the results section.
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