AND Calculator Tool:
The process of developing the AND calculator tool entails giving an interface where users can enter two binary numbers to get the bitwise AND value. The structure will be implemented using HTML, styling with CSS and focusing on color and responsiveness and for functionality we will be using JavaScript.
AND Calculator Tool
Features of This And Calculator Tool:
- Number 1 Input: User can input the first number.
- Number 2 Input: User can input the second number.
- Calculate Button: On clicking this button, the JavaScript function calculateAnd() is triggered.
- Result Display: The result of AND operation between two numbers is displayed below the Calculate button.
How it Works:
- User enters two numbers.
- On clicking "Calculate", the JavaScript function calculateAnd() is called.
- This function performs bitwise AND operation between two numbers using & operator.
- Then the result of the AND operation is displayed on the page.
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