Word Pad with all Features Tool

Great Online Tools
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Word Pad with all Features Tool:

Creating a complete Word Pad tool with all the features would be quite extensive, but I can provide a simplified version that includes basic features like text editing, saving, font size, font color and etc. Below is a simple example:

Word Pad

Features of Word Pad Tool:

  • Text Editing: Users can type, select, and delete text.
  • Text Formatting: Users can bold, italicize or underline the etc. text using the provided buttons.
  • Download Files: Users can download the contents of the editor to the browser's local storage.
  • Alignment: Users can use left, center, right alignment in the text content.

How it Works:

  • The contenteditable attribute of the div with the ID "editor" allows users to edit its content.
  • JavaScript listens to the click event on formatting buttons (bold, italic, underline, font color, font size) and executes the corresponding document.execCommand() functions to apply the formatting.
  • Clicking the "Downloads" button retrieves the contents of the editor and saves it to local storage with the key "WordPadContent".
  • Clicking the "Alignment" button retrieves the content from written text files.

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