Time Calculator Tool

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Time Calculator Tool:

Below is the complete tool of the time calculator tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to perform various calculations with time, such as adding/subtracting hours, minutes and seconds, as well as converting between different time units. It has a colorful style and responsive design.

Time Calculator

Time Calculator

Features of Time Calculator Tool:

  • Input Field: Allows the user to input hours, minutes and seconds for two different times.
  • Operation Selection: Allows the user to choose whether to add or subtract from the first bar to the second.
  • Result Display: Displays the result in hours, minutes and seconds format.

How it Works:

  • When the user clicks the "Calculate" button, the calculateTime() function is called.
  • The function retrieves both the time as well as the hours, minutes and seconds inputted for the selected operation.
  • This converts the time into total seconds.
  • The result is then converted into hours, minutes and seconds format and displayed in the results section.

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