Convert Text to Speech

Great Online Tools
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Convert Text to Speech:

Definitely! Below is a simple example of HTML and JavaScript code that uses the ResponsiveVoice.js library for text-to-speech functionality. It includes voice selection, support for multiple languages, and colorful styling.
Text-to-Speech Converter Tool

Features of Text to Speech Converter:

  • Input Field: Allows the user to enter the text they want to convert to speech.
  • Convert Button: When clicked, it converts the entered text to speech.

How it Works:

  • The user enters the text they want to convert into speech in the input field.
  • On clicking the "Convert to Speech" button, the ConvertToSpeech() function is called.
  • Inside the function, the value of the input field is retrieved, and a new SpeechSynthesisUtterance object is created with the text.
  • Finally, the speak() method of Window.SpeechSynthesis is called with the Pronunciation object, which converts the text to speech.

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