Stopwatch Tool

Great Online Tools
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Stopwatch Tool:

Below is the complete tool for the stopwatch tool implemented in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool allows users to start, stop, and reset the stopwatch. It has a colorful style and responsive design.



Features of Stopwatch Tool:

  • Display: Shows the current stopwatch time in hour, minute and second format.
  • Start/Stop Button: Starts or stops the stopwatch timer.
  • Reset Button: Resets the stopwatch timer to zero.

How it Works:

 1. When the user clicks the "Start/Stop" button, the startStop() function is called.
  • If the stopwatch is not running, it starts the stopwatch timer using setInterval.
  • If the stopwatch is running, it stops the stopwatch timer using ClearInterval.
 2. The runStopwatch() function is called every second while the stopwatch is running.
  • This increments the seconds counter and updates the minutes and hours accordingly.
  • This calls the displayTime() function to update the displayed time.
 3. The displayTime() function formats the time and displays it in an HTML element with the ID "display".
 4. The reset() function resets all time counters and stops the stopwatch timer.

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