Countdown Timer Tool:
Below is the complete tool of the countdown timer tool implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool allows users to set a countdown timer by specifying hours, minutes and seconds. It has a colorful style and responsive design.
Countdown Timer Tool
Features of Countdown Timer Tool:
- Display: Shows the current countdown time in hours, minutes and seconds format.
- Input Field: Allows the user to input the desired countdown time in hours, minutes and seconds.
- Start Countdown Button: Starts the countdown with the inputted time.
How it Works:
- When the user clicks the "Start Countdown" button, the startCountdown() function is called.
- The function retrieves the inputted hours, minutes and seconds and calculates the total countdown time in seconds.
- It then starts a countdown interval, decreasing the total number of seconds every second.
- If the countdown reaches zero, it will display "Timeout!" It shows. In the display area.
- Otherwise, it formats and displays the remaining time in the format of hours, minutes and seconds.
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