Calculator Tool

Great Online Tools
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Calculator Tool:

Definitely! A simple example of a reactive calculator implemented using HTML, CSS and JavaScript is given. I am using the popular bootstrap library for styling, but you can adapt it more depending on your priorities.


Features of Calculator Tool:

  • Input Fields: Allows the user to input mathematical expressions.
  • Buttons For Digits and Operators: Buttons are provided for digits (0-9) and common operators (+, -, *, /).
  • Clear Button: Allows the user to clear the input field.
  • Equals Button: Calculates the result of a mathematical expression entered by the user.

How it Works:

  • The user inputs a mathematical expression in the input field.
  • As soon as the user clicks on the digit or operator button, the corresponding value is added to the input field.
  • Clicking the Clear button clears the input field.
  • Clicking the equals button evaluates the mathematical expression using the eval() function in JavaScript and displays the result in the input field. If an error occurs during evaluation, it displays "ERROR".

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