Loan Calculator Tool :
Definitely! Below is an example of a simple loan calculator tool using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I've included some basic styles for colorful and responsive design. For simplicity, I am not using any external libraries.
Loan Calculator
Features of Loan Calculator Tool:
- Loan Amount Input Field: Allows the user to input the loan amount.
- Annual Interest Rate Input Field: Allows the user to input the annual interest rate.
- Loan Tenure Input Field: Allows the user to input the loan tenure in years.
- Calculate Loan Button: When clicked, the monthly payment amount and total payment amount for the loan is calculated.
- Result Display: Displays the calculated monthly payment amount and total payment amount.
How it Works:
- The user enters the loan amount, annual interest rate and loan tenure in the input fields.
- When the "Calculate Loan" button is clicked, the calculateLoan() function is called.
- Inside the function, inputs are retrieved and converted to appropriate data types (floats or integers).
- Monthly payment is calculated using the amortizing loan formula.
- Total payment is calculated by multiplying the monthly payment by the total number of payments.
- The calculated values are displayed in the results div.
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